Friday, August 30, 2019

Report Writing of Investigatory Project

WRITING A REPORT An investigatory science project ends with a report. This report also known as technical paper, includes the following patterns: A. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This is the list of people who advise the student in undertaking the investigatory project. B. TITLE The title should be able to catch the attention of the reader. It should be concise, descriptive and self-explanatory. It should indicate clearly what the project is about. The phrase â€Å"A Study to Show† should be avoided, because in research you do not seek to prove something but rather to impartially find an answer.C. ABSTRACT This is a short paragraph of not more than 200 to 290 words which give the essential or principal features of the project or study. This should be descriptive or informative enough to present a comprehensive picture of the study. D. INTRODUCTION This section includes the following: 1. Background of the study This presents the reason that led the investigator to launch the study. A historic al background may be given. Or the background of the study may state some observations and other relevant conditions that prompted the investigator to explore the problem.Some questions to guide you while writing this part of the paper are the following: -Why did I select this research project? -Are there others who have done similar studies? -What have others done or not done that move or spurred me to work on this project? -What are my own observations which are relevant to the study? -Will the results of the study make any contribution in the attainment of a better quality of life? 2. Statement of the Problem and Objectives This must state what you aimed to accomplish. Whether the problem is stated in the form of question or declarative statement, always use brief, precise and accurate statements.The objective should be stated positively and in the declarative form. Define the general objective or main problem and the specific objective(s) or sub-problem(s) you are trying to answ er or resolve. State these such that they are definitely and clearly related to the data obtained. 3. significant of the Project State why the study is worth making and how it can contribute to you as an individual, to your community and to your country. 4. Delimitation/Limitations of the Study/Project Delimitation refers to the scope and extent of your study within the subject or topic area.Limitation includes the extent of your knowledge and experience in the area. Moreover, it includes the practical and ethical considerations that affected the way you designed and executed your research plan. 5. Review of Related Literature This part helps the reader of previous studies make on the project’s topic or problem. The basic features of this part are: a. Studies which are related in purpose, method or findings to your present study. b. Summary statements of the studies being reviewed, The summary should show the transitions from earlier to past studies and relationships of previ ous studies to your present project problem. . Pertinent portions of relevant literature. The last name(s) of the author(s) followed by the year of publication in which the information appeared, should be enclosed in parenthesis and given at the end of the statement. E. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1. Materials and Equipment List down the materials, reagents, chemicals, plants, animals and other experimental units, as well as equipment that were used in performing the experiment. 2. Treatment or General Procedure Describe the procedure in such a way that anyone who is completely unfamiliar with your topic or methods will know exactly what you did.Also, should the reader desire to repeat your research, he can easily do so. It is important to cite the references for the methods or treatment you used and to describe in detail any modification you introduced. You should include the following: the number of trials performed, the variables used, and how you gathered and organized the data. F. OB SERVATIONS/FINDINGS Present clearly and precisely what you observed. The method you used to summarize your data depends on the type of investigation and project you have undertaken. Graphic representations in the forms of diagrams, tables, photographs and slides, etc. re also effective in presenting data. G. ANALYSIS OF DATA Present your analysis of the data. Give the meaning, relationship and significance that the data reveal. H. GENERALIZATION Your interpretation of the data leads you to make some generalizations. You can arrive at these generalizations either by deduction or induction. Present the line of reasoning which led you to these generalizations. I. APPLICATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS State the implications and practical applications of your findings. Several applications may be due to some limitations of your experiment or investigation.At this point, you should suggest any further research which would be an outgrowth of your study. J. BIBILIOGRAPHY List all the references use d in your investigation either alphabetically or in the order of citing in the text of the scientific paper. If the reference is a book, state the author, title, place of publication, publisher, date and pages cited. If the references is a magazine article, state the author, title of the article, name of magazine, date and number of issue and page number. If the internet is used, indicate the website. Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity Thanks to Philo for providing this copy.

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